How to Remove Acne Spots?

How To Remove Acne Spots

At present many people suffer from the problem of acne spots. It is not a simple problem.Acne is a  skin problem which effects so many people at some point of their life. This blog will cover up everything about how to remove acne spots in detail. If you’re looking forward to knowing the solution of acne spots,this essay will help you to gain knowledge about it.

What is acne spot?

Acne spot is a very common skin condition.It occurs  when hair follicles under the skin get blocked and the pores of under skin get jammed.It also happens when the under skin of your face become blocked with oil, dead skin or bacteria.


-Blackheads.(which is a kind of open plugged pores).It is filled with excessive oil and dead skin.

-Whiteheads.(which is a kind of closed plugged pores).It occurs when dead skin cells ,oil and other bacteria become trapped within one of your pores.

-Aching.(which is a continuous pain that is not good but not very strong as well).

-Pimples(which are papules with pus at their tips)It occurs when inflamed oil glands causing bacteria on your skin.

-Painful ,pus -filled pumps under the skin(cystic lesions)


-Friction on your skin.


-Hormonal changes.



-Excess oil (sebum )production.

-Hair follicles.

-Certain medications.


-Stress or tension.

Acne myths

These terms have little outcome on acne:

-Eating calorific  foods or chocolate may have little outcome on acne.

-Scrubbing the skin too hard or using rough soaps may make the acne worse.

-Chemical disturbs the skin and may make acne worse.

-Cosmetics may make worsen acne,specially if you use oil-free makeup that doesn’t block pores of your skin.

Types of acne


A comedo or basic acne lesion, is a hair follicle that has become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. 


Blackheads are comedones that are open at the surrounding  of the skin. They are full with excess oil and dead skin cells.


comedones that stay closed at the surface of the skin are called whiteheads.


Papules comedones are comedones that become inflamed, forming small red or pink bumps on the skin.


 They resemble a whitehead with a red ring around the bump.


 Nodules are large, inflamed bumps that feel firm to the touch. They develop deep within the skin and are often painful.


Cysts are large,pus-filled lesions that look similar to boils.

-Severe Nodulocystic Acne

People with severe nodulocystic acne have multiple inflamed cysts and nodules.

-Acne Conglobata

It involves many inflamed nodules that are connected under the skin to other nodules.

Treatment for acne spots


You can use cleansers and spot treatments to help trace pimples as they pop up.

Common ingredients you’ll find in acne creams include- Benzoyl peroxide helps dry out existing pimples and kills acne-causing bacteria.Salicylic acid helps your skin to prevent pores from getting clogged.


If you have moderate acne , a dermatologist may recommend;antibiotics like erythromycin or clindamycin or retinoids.In some cases, they may suggest an oral antibiotic.


For this one,a dermatologist may suggest treatment that combines one or more of the following:

-Oral antibiotics 

-Topical antibiotics

-Benzoyl peroxide 

They may also suggest Accutane.

-Photodynamic therapy.


-Chemical peel.

-Cortisone injections.

Acne spots home remedies 

If you’ve tried so many home remedies but as you might have already noticed,these remedies don’t always work-some might even make acne worse.

Instead of putting toothpaste on your face ,try these tips at home to get rid of acne spots.

-Apply tea tree oil.

-Apply aloe vera.

-Use a honey mask.

-Refresh your face with green tea.

-Try to not touch your face.

-Never squeeze your pimples.

-Apply apple cider vinegar.

-Take a zinc supplement.

-Try cinnamon mask.

-Apply witch hazel.

-Take a fish oil supplement.

-Exfoliate regularly.

-Follow a low glycemic diet.

-Cut back on dairy.

-Reduce stress.

-Exercise regularly.

-Try brewer’s yeast.

How to prevent acne spots

-Wash your face properly.

-Use a moisturiser.

-Limit makeup (try to ignore heavy makeup).

-Resist touching your face.

-Limit sun exposure.

-Don’t pop pimples.

-Regular exfoliation and home remedies can help .

-Don’t forget to take Minerals and Vitamins.


Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin,which has sebaceous glands that connects to hair follicles,which contains a fine hair.For most people,acne spots tends to go away by the time they reach their thirties but some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin problem.


How to stop acne coming to face?

-Keep your skin clean.

-Gently wash your face as much as you can.

-Choose the right skin care.

-Shampoo regularly.

-Stick to your treatment.

-Keep your hands off.

-Stay out of the sun and tanning beds.

What age is acne the worst?

Some have mild symptoms,while others can have very severe issues.Acne effects around 90% of adolescents with the prime age across all genders being the teenage years of 14-19years old.

Will my acne spot go away?

Teenage acne spot usually lasts for five to ten years,normally going away during the early 20s.

Does ice help acne spots?

Using ice on your acne spots up to once a day can help reduce the redness and swelling,when done safely.But you should avoid excessive use of ice on your acne spots.

Medical conditions that causes acne?

Excess production of hormones ,especially androgens ,GH ,IGF-1,insulin,CRH and glucocorticoids,is associated with increased rates of acne development. 

Can you get acne from illness?

When your body is fighting an ailment ,it can get overwhelmed and things like acne and redness can show up.


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